Dr Elizabeth Mckenzie
21/14-24 Kidman Street, Coogee NSW 2034, Australia
Ph: 02 9665 5002
Coogee Osteopathy
Elizabeth Joy McKenzie
B.A.; Dip Acup (Aust, China), D.O.; Grad Dip Paeds Cranio-Sacral (Aust, USA);
Biodynamics of Osteopathy Program.Elizabeth graduated from the International College of Osteopathic Medicine (Sydney) in 1989.
She has maintained ongoing post graduate Osteopathic studies in a number of areas including Craniosacral therapy with SCTF, Cranial Academy, Dr Viola Fryman in USA. She has also attended all 8 phases of the Biodynamic Osteopathic Program taught by Dr Jim Jealous.
She also includes soft tissue, counter-strain, muscle energy, visceral release techniques, lymphatic drainage in her treatment.
At NO time does she carry out high velocity (cracking) adjustments.
Elizabeth is happy and comfortable treating people of all ages with a wide range of ailments including:
sports injuries
back/neck pain
knee/ankle/elbow pain
pregnancy, including mastitis, sciatica, coccygeal pain, post-natal blues,
babies, toddlers, teenagers,
Treatments with Elizabeth are a co-production where she is happy to support the patient/client into putting an effort into their own well being through exercise, diet, self awareness, lifestyle.
This approach reinforces the positive change the treatment is intending to achieve.
Allow an hour for each treatment.
Referrals are not needed.
Credit Facilities are not available.
Clinic is close to public transport. Street parking is available.
Call for appointment.